— Blog —

"Golden liquid" is how we used to call "Engls Honig" already. In 2023, it has been confirmed by 2 laboratories that our honey is of a superiour quality. We won a golden medal :) It is a confirmation of what we knew before, but nevertheless a great recognition!

What a timing! These flowers of the Christmas cactus are spot on again :) Merry Christmas!

As a bee keeper, one takes automatically experiences and insights from the bees into other areas of life. Also into the office. I work at Chi Impact Capital. "Chi" means to us, next to positive life energy: "Conscious, Holistic, Impactful" investing. In our Chi-book with the title "Conscious Investing", Thomas Goldfuss writes in his contribution...

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) war der erste bedeutende Deutsche Philosoph, der Tierschutz/ Tierrechte befürwortete. Er rief Menschen auf andere Lebewesen zu wertschätzen. Tierethik des Mitgefühls.

D: August ist unsere Goldruten-Zeit
ENG: August is our Goldenrod-time
NL: Augustus is onze Guldenroede-tijd

On Sunday 2 August 2020, it was "H-day" again. Only once per year we "harvest" honey in this Alpine region. And we do it very modestly. As we have long winters here, we leave enough honey with our bees. But we could take some of the sweet, sticky, smooth gold from our "Engl"-bees. THANK YOU and stay as happy and healthy as you are!...

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There is only one home; one planet for all on this earth. This short movie shows how beautiful it is and shows how it is changing:

Bee Butt


No politics, no opinion, no science, no issue, no worry. Just a photo of beautiful bee butt in the sun on a flower:



Amber has something special. It has fascinating (golden-like) colours, it can shine, it is transparent/ you can look through it. Amber can have some smoothing/ healing power and it can show history! Amber is not just a stone: It has not always been stone; it was plant sap before. Tree resin. And as such, it can capture unexpectedly living beings,...

Engls Honig, Pettneu am Arlberg, Österreich, +43(0)6801187989, englshonig@gmail.com
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