Monday morning - Start of the job
How do bees know what to do? National Geographic explains in short:
How do bees know what to do? National Geographic explains in short:
Just great National Geographic footage of 1 minute showing the development stages of a honey bee: from egg to bee. Just sweet! :-)
World Bee Day is on 20 May. But as my mother used to say about Mother's Day: "It's nonsense; it should be every day Mother's Day". I believe, it's the same for the bees. We should not only celebrate something special once per year; we should appreciate something special continously. Don't take anything for granted. What is special should be...
"Sex has always been difficult for plants, because they cannot move. If one cannot move, then finding a suitable partner and exchanging sex cells with them poses something of an obstacle. The plant equivalent of sperm is pollen, and the challenge facing a plant is how to get its pollen to the female reproductive parts of another plant; not easy...
To really appreciate who you are, what you do or what you aspire, it can be helpful to "go back to your roots". To your childhood dreams, to your core values, to your true beliefs. Who and what have inspired you in your life so far? What have been the main drivers during your life journey? What makes you smile?...
The famous biologist E. O. Wilson said, "If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos." - Mankind should let that sink in. And position itself accordingly. Appreciate more of nature, in both...
GLOBAL 2000 ist eine Österreichische, unabhängige Naturschutzorganisation und sie organisiert am 11.-12. Mai 2020 eine interessante online Konferenz. Das Thema ist: "Wie Landwirtschaft und Städte der Zukunft die Artenvielfalt bewahren". Link:
Yesterday, it was Good Shepherd Sunday. Always the second Sunday after Easter. Always a good day to reflect. Even more so in these Covid-19-times. We can ask ourselves who are (good) shepherds and who are sheep?
In addition to the mainstream news, it can also be interesting to see some different, contemplative views: (1) one from the perspective of the virus telling what good hosts humans are and (2) two from the perspective of nature who can take a break from humans whilst humans can take a break themselves.
My love for the bees is huge; they are above all "sweet". However, I have to remain careful too as they can be stingy... Today I got some clear feedback! In the face. Bees are good teachers. I was too light-headed and according to the moon calendar, it was no good day to work with the bees... Here we go....