Good Shepherd, Good Beekeeper
Psalm 23 & Joh. 10, 11-18
Yesterday, it was Good Shepherd Sunday. Always the
second Sunday after Easter. Always a good day to reflect. Even more so in these
Covid-19-times. We can ask ourselves who are (good) shepherds and who are
Basically, we are all both: shepherd as well as sheep. As humans: having a free will, knowing freedom, taking responsibility, taking care, be also open to listen. Sometimes lead, sometimes follow.
Sometimes decide, sometimes accept. Be dependent, be a tiny part of a much bigger whole. Be
the master of your faith, make the best out of your life and share with the ones
relying on you.
That sharing often means multiplying, is something people tend to forget and they become protective. If you share, however - knowledge or fun - you don't half it, but double it!
Also as a beekeeper with the honey bees, one can wonder who is the shepherd and who is the sheep. As a beekeeper, you are like a shepherd: you should take best possible care of your populations. The bees, on their turn, decide whether to accept it or not (the bees can swarm or the wide-spread exploitation leads to weaknesses and death). It is about giving and taking. About finding the balance together. It's co-existing. Humans can believe they "keep the bees", but the bees "keep the humans" at the same time. They pollinate the blossoms and flowers, they play a crucial role in the whole food chain. Without (honey)bees, insects, the Animal Kingdom, Mother Nature, no humans on this earth.
We are all sheep and shepherds - we all fullfill multiple roles, we are all connected and we all need to contribute to a liveable, (bio)diverse planet. Care, Dare & Share.