Suchen Sie den leckersten Honig? / Are you looking for the best honey?
— "Engls Honig" vom Arlberg! —
About 30 bee populations (of which 3 are young populations) at the Arlberg in Tyrol (Austria) produce the delicious "Engls Honig" which means "Angel's Honey" in German. It tastes heavenly, is super healthy, has a golden award and a rich history. Please let us tell you more:
Nowadays, beekeepers Anita and Toni support the bees, but in earlier days it was Toni's father Engelbert (Engl in short). Anita and Toni took over the traditional Tyrolean hut with hives, renovated/ modernized/ refreshed everything and started this fascinating hobby with some more modern working methods and systems.
Bee keeping means entering into a whole new world! Pretty impressive. By opening a bee hive you truly look into a reality of its own. It is also great to see the environment with different (bee) eyes. The weather, the seasons, the blossoms. Bee keeping is quite a thing: a lot of work, a lot of challenges, a lot of fun, a lot to learn and, if all goes well, as a bonus: honey.
Well, to be honest, most of the work is actually done by the "Carnica honey bees"! In order to collect 1 kilo honey, bees can fly about 3 times around the world (up to 120,000 kilometres). This means that a bee flies more than 2,000 kilometres for 1 honey bread (assuming you spread about 20 gram honey on a sandwich).

Die Imker
— Qualifiziert & Erfahren —
- Anita hat die Imkerschule in Imst besucht
- Toni hat das Imkern vom Vater im Praxis mitgekriegt
Die Bienenvölker
— Fit & Tüchtig —
Alle Völker haben Namen und Charakter! Sie wohnen im Stanzertal in einem Steinbruch auf 1,200 Höhenmeter. Einige Völker ziehen im Sommer auf die Alm für die Alpenrosen. Honigsack ist ungefähr auf 1,900 Meter.

Der Honig
— Gesund & Lecker —
Die Bienen fliegen u.a. ins Malfontal. Haupttracht im Sommer: die Alpenrosen!
Der Honig ist ausgezeichnet!
Die Bienen fliegen u.a. ins Malfontal
Wie wird Honig gemacht? / How do bees make honey?
Let us please first introduce: Apis mellifica! This means (Western) honey bee in Latin. They are known for construction of colonial nests from wax, for the large size of their colonies, and for their surplus production and storage of honey. Honey bees represent only a small fraction of the roughly 20,000 known species of (wild) bees.
Honey bees are insects and have five characteristics that are common to most insects:
- They have a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton.
- They have three main body parts: head, thorax, abdomen.
- They have a pair of antennae that are attached to their head.
- They have three pairs of legs used for walking (and dancing!).
- They have two pairs of wings.